Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#108 Chromecast for Viewing Phone Screen on TV

This episode was live on Sunday, January 29, 2017. To be notified of live shows, subscribe to our YouTube channel and be sure to click the bell for notifications.
  • Opening Tip: How to Find a Lost Phone
    Both iPhone and Android have a feature to Find your lost phone. It must be turned on!
  • Beginner’s Lesson: Chromecast
    Why settle for watching photos and movies on that little, bitty screen when you can watch it on the Big screen TV? The Chromecast device is only $35 - lots cheaper than digital photo frames! It's easy, we'll show you how.
  • Closing App: Google Trusted Contacts
    Personal safety app to send your current location to Trusted Contacts.
  • Show Notes for Members

Review Questions:

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  1. I love watching my Google Photos on the TV's big screen. Thanks!

  2. I also love watching mine photos on the TV.
    They recompose them and do a fantastic job.
    Does anyone know how I can save them to a folder?


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